WE are every child suffering from financial gaps
In our early years, we recognized that there was a lack of affordable and accessible robotics programs in our city. With this challenge in mind, our team branched out into our community to become a central hub for technological consciousness through our Library Program. Teaching youth about fundamental learning skills, simple machines and programming concepts.

THEORY6 strives to bring the experience of FIRST robotics to all, so that anyone is able to achieve growth as part of our FIRST family. In collaboration with the Central Library of Mississauga in 2012, our team developed and executed an exciting curriculum designed to help kids from ages 5-14 gain an active experience in Science, Technology, and Engineering. The curriculum, which can be also be found online on FIRST Canada website, helps to develop essential interpersonal skills as well as awakening their outlook on technology. While they learn about mechanical structures, controls systems, and design processes, they also develop transferable skills such as communication, teamwork/collaboration, public speaking, and leadership skills. With all that robotics has to offer, this program is helpful to anyone who is willing to learn. By making connections with other teams and libraries, this program has grown to be available at 12 libraries across Ontario.

We coach FIRST Lego League, FIRST Lego League Jr. Teams and deliver free robotics and programming workshops for kids 5-14 years old, host youth robotics tournaments, and are active in the local robotics community. All of our programs and events are 100% designed, planned, and delivered by volunteers thanks to the fantastic in-kind support from our amazing partners!
Create opportunities for libraries and communities to be involved in STEM and 21st century learning Programs
Students gain leadership, teamwork, communications, presentation, organizational, management and networking skills while building confidence and become difference makers
Spread awareness, inspire and impact our community in STEM programs
Provide an avenue for free robotics and STEM education to increase accessibility to those who cannot participate in their schools or formal robotics programs
To get more information on how to implement such program at your schools or communities or to be engaged with our National Library Program please feel free to reach out to 1241robotics@gmail.com